GK quiz

gk questions with answers

GK quiz GK questions with answers 300+ MCQ GK questions with answers

GK quiz

1 / 100

1) Which of the following is not right

2 / 100

2) In the cold countries, during the severe winters the pipe lines often burst because

3 / 100

3) Gol Gumbaz of Vijayapura was built by

4 / 100

4) B.C. Roy Award is given in the field of

5 / 100

5) Government of Karnataka has decided to establish spices Park in which of the following district

6 / 100

6) Who among the following can attend the meeting of both House of Parliament while not being a member of either House

7 / 100

7) Which of the following is not a central list

8 / 100

8) Which part of the Constitution deals with the panchayats?

9 / 100

9) The world-famous Khajuraho temples are located in

10 / 100

10) At which of the following places is a branch of Karnataka High Court located

11 / 100

11) Who of the following is the author of the famous book Das Kapital

12 / 100

12) The state election commission of which state is set to conduct India’s first dry run for voting thought smartphone

13 / 100

13) LCD stand for

14 / 100

14) Which gas is dissolved in soft drinks like coke and Pepsi

15 / 100

15) in a first, the high court of which state has started live streaming of its Court proceedings

16 / 100

16) What does the prime flooring mean

17 / 100

17) Shivaling purchase A TV for rupees 5000 and paid rupees 250 for its transportation if Shivaling sold the TV for rupees 5075 find his profit or loss

18 / 100

18) Snake boat races are associated with which of the following festivals

19 / 100

19) Who is the Kulapurohit of Karnataka

20 / 100

20) Who is the author of devichandraguptam composed during the Gupta Era

21 / 100

21) International Day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking day is celebrated on

22 / 100

22) Largest State of India areawise is

23 / 100

23) The power of the high court to issue writs comes under which of the following articles

24 / 100

24) The reason for decline in the child sex ratio in India is

25 / 100

25) Africa’s highest mountain Mount Kilimanjaro is located in which country

26 / 100

26) Ambari dream class refers to

27 / 100

27) Which of the following is not a constitutional body

28 / 100

28) RAM in computer is used as a short memory because it is

29 / 100

29) Chenab is a tributary river of which one?

30 / 100

30) Which of the following articles is called the soil of Constitution by Dr Ambedkar

31 / 100

31) Which one of the following is not correct

32 / 100

32) Mica is extensively used in the electrical industries because

33 / 100

33) Which was the first province annexed by the British through as a subsidiary Alliance

34 / 100

34) Habeas Corpus means

35 / 100

35) Which of the following is a wrong statement

36 / 100

36) Which amongst the following is a mammal

37 / 100

37) Who estimated the national income for the first time in India

38 / 100

38) Where is Raman Research Institute located

39 / 100

39) In which session of Congress the demand of Purna Swaraj was accepted as the aim of the Congress

40 / 100

40) The election commission of India is not concerned with the elections of/to the

41 / 100

41) Jute cultivation in India concentrated in the delta area of which of the following rivers

42 / 100

42) Where is Police Driving & Maintenance School located?

43 / 100

43) Which of the following forests that are found in the Western Ghats, Hills of the North eastern region and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

44 / 100

44) Emergency under article 356 is imposed by which one of the below

45 / 100

45) Who is the chairman of Rajya Sabha

46 / 100

46) What is true reflects what is_ _ _

47 / 100

47) Ladak is _ _ _

48 / 100

48) Which of the following pair is not right

49 / 100

49) What is the freezing point of water as per the Fahrenheit scale

50 / 100

50) Which of the following Amendment Acts amended the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

51 / 100

51) Which output device is used for translating information from a computer into pictorial form on paper?

52 / 100

52) 371 J article of Indian constitution is related to

53 / 100

53) Dry ice means _ _ _

54 / 100

54) The main economic problem faced by all the society is

55 / 100

55) Electric current is measured by

56 / 100

56) Which of the following is the west flowing river of Karnataka

57 / 100

57) What is the the tenure of the office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India

58 / 100

58) Due to rusting the weight of iron

59 / 100

59) Match the following:

  1. Adan Smith – Father of Economics
  2. Bhagat Singh  –  Shahid e Azam
  3. C.F.Andrews – Deenabandu
  4. C.R. Das – Deshbandhu

Which of the above are correctly match?

60 / 100

60) Which of the following amendments had reduced the age of voters from 21 years to 18 years

61 / 100

61) India is a

62 / 100

62) What is a default file extension for all word document in computer?

63 / 100

63) Who is the first Deputy Chief Minister of Karnataka

64 / 100

64) Which of the following is also called wood spirit

65 / 100

65) From which country the method of impeachment of the President of India is adopted from

66 / 100

66) Which of the following is the lightest gas

67 / 100

67) Which planet is the twin of Uranus

68 / 100

68) who is the guardian of Fundamental Rights enumerated in Indian Constitution?

69 / 100

69) Who wrote the poem udayavagali cheluva Kannada Naadu

70 / 100

70) State emergency is related to

71 / 100

71) Which of the following is not a required qualification for the post of vice president

72 / 100

72) Blue flag certified beach Kasargod beach is situated in which district of Karnataka

73 / 100

73) After independence which first princely state was taken over by the Indian Army

74 / 100

74) Copper mine of Ingadalu located in which district

75 / 100

75) Narendra Nath Datta is the original name of

76 / 100

76) Who is known as the Martin Luther of Karnataka

77 / 100

77) Who of the following is the author of state anthem – Bharath Jananiya Tanujate?

78 / 100

78) Yarava tribe is mostly found in which of the following districts

79 / 100

79) Fiscal policy in India is formulated by

80 / 100

80) Which of the following is not a primary Green-house gas in the earth’s atmosphere

81 / 100

81) What is the commonly known as IPC in legal parlance

82 / 100

82) Quit India Movement is also known as

83 / 100

83) Which of the following is a tributary of Krishna River

84 / 100

84) Permanent revenue settlement of Bengal was introduced by

85 / 100

85) Which of the following neighbouring countries of India is not a landlocked country

86 / 100

86) Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Akbar located?

87 / 100

87) Oxygen and Ozone are

88 / 100

88) When was the Vijayanagara empire established

89 / 100

89) Disinvestment is a

90 / 100

90) Which of the following is right

91 / 100

91) Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chelate compound in which central metal is

92 / 100

92) Who was the first person to receive Bharat Ratna award from Karnataka?

93 / 100

93) Optical Fibre works on the principle of

94 / 100

94) The following insignia of two stars is worn by

online exam kpsc

95 / 100

95) Which is the highest battlefield in the world

96 / 100

96) Dada Saheb Phalke Award was recently awarded to which celebrity in 2019?

97 / 100

97) Which of the following states does not share border with Pakistan

98 / 100

98) El Nino is

99 / 100

99) Insects that can transmit diseases to humans are referred to as

100 / 100

100) Consider the following statements about the cases of the revolt of 1857

a. Introduction of the Enfield rifle with the cartridge greased with animal fat

b. Introduction of doctorine of lapse

Choose the correct statements from above

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